Enhance your talent development initiatives with Turiyaforms' AI-powered App. Our tailored approach utilizes surveys and assessments to identify skills gaps, set development goals, and design personalized training programs.
AI-powered surveys and quizzes can significantly enhance new hire onboarding processes by providing personalized experiences, gathering feedback, and streamlining information dissemination.
Create personalized learning paths for new hire training by gathering initial data, such as their previous experience, preferred learning style, and areas of interest.
AI-powered assessments can be used to assess new hires' knowledge retention, skill gaps or areas where additional training or support is needed.
Survey responses and quiz results gather feedback to continuously refine your onboarding program.
By leveraging Turiyaforms, AI-powered surveys and assessments, organizations can create a data-driven approach to talent development, improve employee engagement, and drive continuous learning and growth within your organization.
Conduct surveys or assessments to identify the skills gaps and development areas for job roles.
Design targeted training and development programs utilizing the survey and assessment insights.
Conduct post-program assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of talent development initiatives.
Use the PDF upload feature in Turiyaforms to easily upload your document. Turiyaforms will automatically generate surveys and assessments for you. You can also choose the best summarization model, create prompts, and make edits as needed.
Easily distribute your content through WhatsApp, email, SMS, or embed surveys directly into websites, ensuring widespread reach and accessibility for your respondents / workforce.
Explore Turiyaforms' question repository, filled with expertly crafted questions. Integrate these questions seamlessly into your surveys and assessments for your talent development training programs.